Vanilla Scented Pappardelle with Parmesan Fonduta + Asparagus

Vanilla Scented Pappardelle with Parmesan Fonduta + Asparagus

Vanilla Scented Tagliatelle with Parmesan Fonduta + Asparagus

Vanilla Scented Tagliatelle with Parmesan Fonduta + Asparagus

This recipe came about by accidentally purchasing vanilla crėme fraîche, then thinking quickly after having added it to the mixing bowl. I wasn’t able to get it all out of the bowl, but there was something craveable about the hint of vanilla in the sauce. And with the addition of a couple dashes of hot sauce, it became irresistible.

Course: Main, SideCuisine: ItalianDifficulty: Intermediate


Prep time


Cooking time




  • Pasta Machine


  • Pasta
  • 1 lb all-purpose flour

  • 4 large eggs

  • 1 large egg yolk

  • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil

  • 1 tsp salt

  • Fonduta
  • 2 large egg yolks

  • 1 1/2 cup plain créme fraîche

  • 1 tbsp vanilla créme fraîche

  • 5 oz parmesan cheese, finely grated on microplane

  • 1/2 medium garlic clove, finely grated on microplate

  • 1 lb asparagus

  • 5 shakes favorite hot sauce (I like Hot Ones Classic)

  • kosher salt, for salting pasta water


  • Pasta
  • Put the flour in a mound on a large clean surface and make a wide well in the center. Be sure to make the flour walls high enough so the egg mixture doesn’t make a mess.
  • Add the eggs, yolk, olive oil, salt and 1 tablespoon water into the well.
  • Using a fork, beat the egg mixture and slowly start to incorporate the flour from the outside in. Just be very careful not to break the flour wall.
  • Once enough flour has been incorporated so the mixture won’t run, use your hands or a bench scraper to start combining. You should be able to combine nearly all of the flour into a rough shaggy, slightly sticky dough. If it feels too dry, you can add 1 tsp of water at a time until you get the right consistency.
  • Knead the dough vigorously by stretching it forward with the heel of your hand, the folding it halfway over onto itself. Then rotate the dough 90 degrees and repeat. Do this for about 12 minutes, until the dough is no longer sticky and feels smooth and firm.
  • When it bounces back from a light touch to the surface, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap and allow to rest at room temperature for 1 hour. After resting, if not using right away, dough can be frozen for 3 months.
  • To roll the pasta, cut 1/3 of the dough and keep the rest under wrap. On a lightly floured surface and with your hands, flatten the dough into a rectangular shape that is thin enough to go through the #1 setting on your pasta machine. Run it through and then fold it in on itself so the two ends meet in the center. This helps keep it square. Run it through #1 again.
  • After you have run it through twice on #1, change the setting on the machine one notch to #2 and run through again. Continue this process until you have reached your desired thickness. For tagliatelle, I prefer #6.
  • Cut the sheet into 10″ lengths and layer 3 on top of each other, flouring generousing throughout the stack. Again, fold the stack in on itself, so the two ends meet in the center. Using a sharp knife, cut the rolls into 1/2″ widths. Unroll the pasta ribbons, dust with semolina and reserve on sheet trays. Continue this until you have rolled and cut all of your pasta.
  • Fonduta + Asparagus
  • Bring large pot of water to boil for asparagus and pasta, as well as a saucepan with 2 inches of water to act as double boiler for sauce.
  • In a metal bowl that fits comfortably over your saucepan (but don’t put it on yet), whisk the egg yolks, créme fraîche, parmesan and garlic together.
  • Set the bowl on the saucepan and whisk constantly, scraping the sides and removing regularly to keep the cooking process slow. You do not want to boil at all. It will look clumpy for a little while, but eventually become liquidy and then turn into a silky smooth sauce in about 6-8 mins. Turn off heat and set aside to keep warm.
  • Cut the woody ends from the asparagus and discard, then cut on the bias the remaining stalks into 1/2″ pieces, leaving the tips whole.
  • In large pot of boiling water, salt generously to taste. Add asparagus and cook for 3-4 mins until there is still a slight bite. Remove to cold water bath to stop the cooking.
  • Add pasta to the same boiling water, cook until just al dente, 4-5 mins (I recommend testing one before you do the whole batch). Strain in colander. Add fonduta into the now empty pot. Put pasta and asparagus into the sauce and toss gently, but well.
  • Transfer to bowls, top with a little more grated parmesan, a couple grinds of black pepper and a few shakes of hot sauce. Enjoy this oddly delicious treat!
